Seema Desai
Hi! I’m a recovering perfectionist who retired from dentistry to be a life coach & author. I’m also a wife & mom. I was raised by hard-working, well-intentioned Indian immigrant parents to think that “success” meant being a doctor, making good money, & being married with kids.
So I checked off all those boxes. Outwardly successful, I felt like a failure inside–unhappy & unfulfilled. With help, I figured out what my version of success is, & how to apply that definition to any life situation to be truly happy. Despite being imperfect, I became a better mom, wife, & doctor. A better person.
The goal of this podcast is to help you do the same. Everything Dinesh & I talk about are things we apply regularly, even with the many hats we wear on a daily basis. If we can do it, so can you. Thanks for showing up and listening in so you can think, do, and be better–so you can be Happy & Human.